The Donovan Parke Chardonnay wine is an outstanding option among White Wines, known for its distinctive characteristics and unique flavor profile.
750 ml
The Donovan Parke Chardonnay wine is an outstanding option among White Wines, known for its distinctive characteristics and unique flavor profile.
Pale yellow with golden highlights.
This Chardonnay usually offers a complex mix of aromas. You can detect notes of tropical fruits like pineapple and mango, along with citrus touches of lemon and lime. Often, there is an underlying aroma of green apple or pear. On the palate, Donovan Parke Chardonnay is known for its balance between acidity and body. It presents a lively acidity that refreshes the palate, along with a creamy texture that provides a smooth and rich sensation.
This wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes. It goes well with seafood such as shrimp or scallops, grilled white fish, baked chicken, and dishes with creamy sauces. It is also an excellent choice to accompany soft cheeses like brie or camembert.
United States.
The Donovan Parke Chardonnay wine is an outstanding option among White Wines, known for its distinctive characteristics and unique flavor profile.
750 ml